MANNINGTON, NJ – Salem County Sheriff’s Office of Emergency Management has been actively monitoring and respondi ng to events from the March 2 nd and 3 rd Nor’easter Riley storm event . We have been in contact with , and assisting, our Local and State OEM partners throughout the storm.

The storm produced high winds, rain, and snow over more than a 24 hour period . Due to the wet ground conditions and high winds, several trees and utility poles were downed. The 911 Center received a steady flow of calls from residents reporting storm damages. Atlantic City Electric ( ACE ) has been responding to numerous power outages from trees into wires and poles that have broke n off. On March 2 nd around 3:45 pm a utility pole obstructed Alloway Creek Neck Road in Lower Alloway’s Creek causing issues for PSEG employees at the Salem and Hope Creek Nuclear Generating Station. The obstruction was quickly resolved by LAC Police, PSEG, ACE, and County OEM. Numerous poles and w ires remain down as of 9:30 PM M arch 3 rd . We are asking the public to remain clear from any downed wires, and contact ACE at 800 – 833 – 7476.

The Sheriff’s OEM has responded to several incidents including poles obstructing several State, County, and Local roads. There were several motor vehicle crashes throughout the county during the storm. OEM responded to assist two healthcare facilities that lost power on March 3 rd . Golden Nursing and Rehab ilitation on Route 45 in Mannington was without ACE power for over 20 h ours causing concerns for the residents due to limited heating in the facility without electric power. Golden Staff and County OEM were on – scene throughout Saturday preparing to evacuate the nursing home if temperature conditions warranted . Atlantic City Electric restored power to the facility just before an evacuation was required. At 7 pm on March 3 rd , OEM also responded to Southgate Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Carney’s Point for a power failure. Power was quickly restored before any evacuations were necessary at that facility.

The Salem County Sheriff’s Office of Emergency Management continues to monitor the storm recovery efforts, and assist our Local and State partners . Sheriff Charles Miller stated “ Through team work with our Municipal, County and State partners, we have been able to respond to , and quickly address, the emergent needs of our County residents.” OEM is also closely monitoring the weather forecast, as there is the potential of another Nor’easter mid week. “The events from the rece nt storm should serve as a reminder to prepare emergency plans for your family. Please visit READYSALEM.ORG for assistance with developing your emergency plans” added Sheriff Miller.